photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedlai museum official website all rights reserved--

Roberto Delgado
Figuras de apariencia humana poblaron por espacio de un mes el espacio expositivo salalai

-----------------photography copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved Llai museum official website all rights reserved

Photography © Begoña Muñoz 2008 - All Rights Reserved (vegap)  


presencias piezas escultóricas semitransparentes, una propuesta expositiva del artista Roberto Delgado.




Cabezas, manos, torsos… llenaron el espacio de este Laboratorio de Arte íntimo ubicado en el Barrio de La Soledad de Cimadevilla, en Gijón.


- photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

… trozos humanos dispuestos como si formasen parte de un ente…

Piezas que flotan en el espacio

presencias-photography and design copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved--photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved

… hilos transparentes bajan desde el techo sosteniendo las diferentes formas humanas

Dos figuras con gesto o pose aparente de comunicación…

la una con la otra…


Algo suena…

-photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved-photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservee-photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved

--son sonidos de la naturaleza











M>>> Procesos salalai >>> MONTAJE EXPOSITIVO >>>

                                          [ + ]-


lai museum official website all rights reserved

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved

   - Photography © Begoña Muñoz 2008 - All Rights Reserved (vegap)

creación de un nuevo ser

huellas que resisten el paso del tiempo

------cambio/ transformación ----------------------movimiento ------------------apariencia ---------------------belleza -----------------piel

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved----registro documental laimuseum-photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved

creación de un nuevo ser---------------------------------

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedlai museum official website all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the arist to lai museum all rights reserved

El peso de la ESCULTURA

Otras sociedades posibles

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserve ---[ procesos salalai >>> MONTAJE EXPOSITIVO >>> ]

Genero-------------photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved

Mitología / Creencias

El más allá

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved----caricia--photography copyright begoña muñiz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved

photography copyright begoa muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website al rights reservedphotograpy copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reservedmovimiento pielhuellas que resisten el paso del tiempo

huellas que resisten el paso del tiempo

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum all rights reserved

photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reserved---lai museum official website all rights reservedphotography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artsit to lai museum all rights reservedlaimuseum -- ------------------ ---

Registro artístico / instalación de Roberto Delgado en Sala LAi / © Fotografía y diseño: Begoña Muñoz Fernández 2008 - All Rights Reserved vegap)

apariencia belleza

laimuseum--------------------------------------photography copyright begoña muñoz 2008 courtesy from the artist to lai museum official website all rights reservedcaricia

---------------------------------REGISTRO ARTÍSTICO "PRESENCIAS" instalación de ROBERTO DELGADO - Comisariado artístico: Klauss van Damme






MmM>>> procesos salalai >>> MONTAJE EXPOSITIVO [ + ]




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LAi MUSEUM. FONDO DOCUMENTAL DE ARTE ACTUAL (Founded in 2003 / Fundado en 2003). Webspace © Begoña Muñoz Fernández (vegap)